Today I and Elok went to Aya's school, Tara Salvia, for "Student-led Conference" session. In this session, Aya, as the student, led a presentation to us, the parents, explaining what she learned during the half semester together with her teacher (Ms. Rini, as shown here). Aya was very shy, particularly because I was there, but she got the job done. At the end of the session, Aya made an "objective setting" on the things she would like to improve by the end of semester. Aya listed out "self confidence" and "be more active at discussion" as her improvement goals. Very good! Lebih baik lagi ya Nak di bulan Juni! :)
Sekolah jaman sekarang emang bagus yah, dari kecil udh berani presentasi dan bikin target..mantap!! ^^
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